Category:Peer production

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<nowiki>produzione paritaria; সহ উৎপাদন ব্যবস্থা; travail collaboratif; trabajo colaborativo; Peer production; sistem perkerjaan kolaboratif; Trabalh collaboratiu; peer productiesysteem; treball col·laboratiu; peer production system; computerunterstützte Gruppenarbeit; sistema cooperativo; peer production system; تولید جمعی; сыстэма супольнай вытворчасьці; računalniško podprto skupinsko delo; produzione di beni e servizi che fa affidamento a comunità di persone auto-organizzanti; যে ব্যক্তি স্ব-সংগঠিত পণ্য ও সেবা উৎপাদক সম্প্রদায়ের উপর নির্ভর করে; mode de travail où collaborent de nombreuses personnes grâce aux technologies de l'information et de la communication, notamment les plateformes internet.; вытворчасьць тавараў і паслуг, якая абапіраецца на самаарганізацыйныя супольнасьці індывідуумаў; suma d'esforços d'un grup per assolir una meta comuna; Produktion von Hütern und Services, die auf selbstorganisierten Gemeinschaften beruhen; production of goods and services that relies on self-organizing communities of individuals; روشی غیر متمرکز برای تولید کالا ها و خدمات که توان اجتماعات خود سامانده و اشخاص تکیه دارد; producción de bienes y servicios que se basan en comunidades de individuos autoorganizadas; produkcija blaga in storitev, ki temelji na samoorganiziranih skupnostih posameznikov; Treball cooperatiu; Projecte col·laboratiu; Peer production; Travail tagada; Commons-based peer production; Logique collaborative; Collaborative; Outils collaboratifs; Intelligence collaborative; Outil collaboratif; Approches collaboratives; Sistemas cooperativos; Sistemas Colaborativos; Peer produkcia; produzione sociale; commons-based peer production; mass collaboration; kolaborasi massal</nowiki>
peer production system 
production of goods and services that relies on self-organizing communities of individuals
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This category has only the following subcategory.

Media in category "Peer production"

The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.